- Whole Blood (rarely used, may consider when there is massive bleeding and use of >5-7 units of packed RBCs)
- Packed RBCs (1 unit increases Hct by 3)
- CMV-Negative RBCs (and other blood products)
o Indicated for premature infants and infants less than 4 weeks of age, and immune compromised patients who are CMV seronegative
- Leukoreduced RBCs (and other blood products)
o Removes leukocytes, leukocyte debris, and leukocyte-generated cytokines
o Indicated for transplant patients, patients with previous febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reactions, and CMV seronegative at-risk patients for whom seronegative components are not available
- Irradiated RBCs (and other blood products)
o Indicated to avoid GVHD in immune compromised, transplant, and leukemia patients
- Washed RBCs
o Prevents complications associated with infusion of proteins present in small amount of residual plasma in RBC concentrates
o Indicated for patients with severe or recurrent allergic reactions associated with RBC transfusion, patients with IgA deficiency, and patients with complement mediated immune hemolysis
- Platelets (6 units increase platelets by 30,000/uL)
o Indicated for patients with bleeding due to either thrombocytopenia and/or platelet dysfunction (DIC, TTP, ITP, hypersplenism, AIDS, sepsis, aplasia)
o Whole Blood Platelets: each unit is pooled from 4-6 donors of the same blood type
o Apheresis Platelets: obtained from one donor with use of an apheresis machine
- Granulocytes (neutrophils)
o Always irradiated to prevent GVHD
o Indicated for patients with severe neutropenia and life-threatening bacterial or fungal infection not responsive to antibiotic therapy (ie Candida tropicalis fungemia, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis, multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and invasive aspergillosis); also indicated for neonates with clinical sepsis and patients with chronic granulomatous disease
- Fresh Frozen Plasma (1 unit increases fibrinogen by 7-10mg/dL)
o Contains all clotting products but no platelets
o Indicated for multiple coagulation factor deficiencies (eg DIC, TTP/HUS, liver disease, warfarin overdose, vitamin K deficiency)
- Cryoprecipitate (10 bags increases fibrinogen by 70mg/dL)
o Contains fibrinogen, VWF, factors V, VIII, XIII
o Indicated for bleeding in VWD, factor XIII deficiency, or factor VIII deficiency
§ Recombinant factor VIII now available for factor VIII deficiency
§ Can be used to prepare fibrin glue
- Cryo-poor Plasma (FFP minus cryoprecipitate)
o Indicated for plasma replacement in TTP and HUS, can also be used in treatment of warfarin overdose and vitamin K deficiency
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