Monday, October 19, 2009

Workup of polycythemia

Diagnostic criteria for polycythemia vera (3 major criteria or 2 major + 2 minor)

Major criteria:
- Elevated RBC mass (men > 36 L/kg, women > 32 L/kg; or Hct > 60% in men, > 56% in women)
- SpO2 > 92%
- palpable splenomegaly
Minor criteria:
- Platelets > 400
- WBC > 12
- High leukocyte alk phos > 100
- High B12 > 900
Other findings:
- Low epoetin level (70% sensitivity, 90% specificity for PV)
- Hyperuricemia is common
- Bone marrow biopsy confirms diagnosis

Tests to order in the workup of polycythemia:
- CBC, SpO2, ABG, epoetin level, B12, alk phos

1 comment:

  1. Polycythemia is a long-running situation and does not have any procedure of treatment or says it can’t be cured. Though, specialists are of the outlook that intake of Natural Remedies for Polycythemia Vera could assist in thinning of blood and obstruct blood clots.
